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anger management

Separating Anger Management Facts Verses Filter

If you are going to learn to control you anger, it is very important that you learn to distinguish facts from filters. You have to separate your thoughts from the objective facts of a situation. As you continue to use your anger log you will start to understand the difference between facts and the filter….

Anger Management Counseling Facts

Facts are what our eyes, ears and touch tell us and our filter is the way we think about and interpret these facts. Anger Management counseling facts are things that happen, and our filter is the lens that we use to see those things. Our filters are like glasses that we wear to see the facts. When things…

Anger Management Option Passive Aggression

Anger Management Option Expressing passive aggression is an anger management option. This kind of anger is very different. Passive aggression is indirect. You might avoid someone completely. You might talk behind their back. Or you might do something sneaky to get at them in an indirect way. Most counselors and therapists in marriage suggest otherwise….

Anger Management Options: Explosive Anger

Anger Management Options: Explosive Anger This is what we usually think about when we think about anger. This is someone fighting physically or verbally. Yelling, screaming, swearing, snapping. Hitting, throwing, kicking, breaking objects. Intimidation, rage, blame, explosiveness. Bickering, criticism, griping. Explosive anger is usually what it looks like when you lose your temper. This is a…

Anger Management Options

Anger Management Options Up to this point, you have learned how to acknowledge your anger, stop your immediate response, calm yourself down, and evaluate your situations. You have thought through your anger rationally, and after evaluating your situation, you have a good picture of what is going on and why you are upset. You are…

Practice Empathy | Anger Management Tools

Practice Empathy Thankfully, the cure to selfish anger is a simple one. Empathy. The ultimate solution is fixing your selfish anger is to see your problem from the other person’s shoes. If you can learn how to do this, then most of the time it will radically change how you view your anger. If you…

Anger Management: Consider Your Expectations

Consider Your Expectations Sometimes we become very upset over things that are really more about our expectations than anything else. This usually happens when we are asking too much of someone else (or of ourselves). This is especially true of people who are perfectionists. Expectations for Yourself I once worked with a professional golfer who…

Anger Management: Putting Our Demands On Others

To make matters worse, we we often have a nasty habit of turning these personal preferences into rules for other people. When we do this we use works like “should,” “have to,” and “ought to.” We take our own values and desires and put them on someone else. We try to control other epoel and…

Why Am I Angry?

  To start the process of learning how to think through your anger, you need to first understand why you get angry. When I ask most people why the get angry, I hear responses like:       My husband never appreciates me My wife always criticizes me My kids don’t listen to me My…

Five Ways To Happier And Healthier Life

Five Ways To Happier Life The small things make the difference in the long run. Here are 5 EASY tips anyone can do in order to make you look, and more importantly, FEEL better. How do you stay happy during the day? There ways you can purposely work on staying happy. In this post I…